The ascended masters

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Awaken.... Once, all life in the universe knew the Flower of Life as the creation pattern - the geometrical design leading us into and out of physical existence. Then from a very high state of consciousness, we fell asleep and forgot who we were. Now we are Rising up from that sleep, shaking old, stale beliefs from our minds and glimpsing the Golden Light of this New Dawn streaming through the windows of perception.
Ingredients for Moving through the Transition with Ease – Galactic Council of Light
It is with great pleasure that we are here to speak with you today. The Ascension plan for earth and her inhabitants has gone as planned and has in fact accelerated in the recent weeks. More are opening and accepting love, compassion and understanding into their hearts which allows them to partake in glorious changes happening at this time.
Photos - Masters
serapis bey ascended master | There are Many Ascended Masters
Ascended Master El Moraya. His retreat is in the inner levels of Darjeeling, India. His steady hand and heart guides all Esoteric Schools.
The Ascended Masters have told us that the search for our twin flame is the Quest for Wholeness.
Matthew 19:16 Eternal Life
The mantle of light, your 'I Am Presence' that surrounds you Divine Presence ¨`*☆.`❥ Awaken within me a new level of Creativity so I may use my talents and skills to serve in more beautiful ways on the Earth. I know as I expand and open into your Presence within me, a new level of attunement with the Light is anchored, and it is Good. ~ Shanta Gabriel
Boletines Privados de Thomas Printz (Cartas de Shamballa) 1952-1962
Maha Chohan
Rendirse, Confiar y Fluir…/ Maestro El Morya a través de Mirtha Verde-Ramo
El Morya teaches us to clear and shield our energy, steer clear of harsh substances, environments and relationships and to honor our sensitivity.