
147 Pins
Don't know what it is, not sure it is a 100% finished but it is a cool mini.
Primaris Librarian — Work in Progress C&C welcome!
Primaris Librarian — Work in Progress C&C welcome! : Warhammer40k
Ceramique a47 par Mathieu Fontaine - Already looks pretty good with only the initial metallic work. | Facebook
Single Model: Bronze – Warhammer Age of Sigmar 2016
Orruk Megaboss By Ricky Upjohn
Orruk Megaboss by AidanDaly · Putty&Paint
Orruk Megaboss
Or maybe I'll have to paint some of the many unpainted greenskins I own.
Oz Painters • View topic - Models that are cool from around the world. (2013)
Ork Mad Pirate Kaptin, 40k, Freebooter