vintage animals in advertising @(・●・)@

amusing animals in ads
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Mad Men and Crazy Critters, 3rd episode – La Révolution Savignac
"Raymond Savignac (1907-2002) one of the most celebrated French poster artists of the past century. Savignac left school at 15 and went to work as a draftsman and commercial artist. He started designing posters in 1935 under the direction of the great Cassandre, and in the next ten years developed his own unique style. Fame arrived in 1949, thanks to Savignac's collaboration and exposition with Bernard Villemot, and to his famous design for Monsavon milk soap." Animalarium
quinzaine de la laine, du 2 au 19 octobre 1951
Vintage Propaganda and Ad Posters of the 1950s (Page 4)
Slip Kengorou by Seguin (1950)
Publicités anciennes, illustration, magazines de mode, documents pour collectionneurs
Annonce datant de 1956 pour Lindt
Atelier de Tante Lucie
Pastis vintage drink advert ad #giraffe