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24 Cheap Summer Activities for Kids
My three boys love to play ice hockey, but living in California makes a backyard rink impossible. So this summer we created a water rink. We purchased a 9- by 12-foot tarp and spray-painted it to look like a hockey rink. Then we set up our sprinkler to wet it. Using our miniature hockey set, the boys have enjoyed hours of slip-and-slide hockey. --Lori Neale Carlsbad, CA Originally published in the June/July 2012 issue of FamilyFun magazine
Life Lately | Family Summer Olympics 2016
Family Summer Olympics are an annual family tradition and an excuse to spend…
Words that Build Up!
FHE lesson for kids: once you squeeze all toothpaste out, you can't put it back into the tube. Words work the same way: you can't take words back, so make sure you say kind things.
Summer Outdoor Night Games for Kids and Teens
10 of the best Summer Outdoor Night Games for Kids and Teens. #games #summer #kids #teens #Parties
Teamwork game. Counselors on one team against campers on the other.... Involves beach ball an water guns,shooers or the like. aim is to get ball to other teams court. Great summer fun for a HOT day!!
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. - 1 John 1:9 My youth group wrote down names of people that have hurt us on one piece of paper and we wrote down our sins on another paper. We put them in envelopes and hammered them to the cross to remind us that Jesus died on the cross for our sins. We were given forgiveness. No matter what, God loves you and will wash your sins away.
The Internet's Most Asked Questions
This could be a fun group game - maybe not coins though...
Camp Games for Summer Fun! - Ultimate Camp Resource
Hundreds of games, skits and songs, perfect for sisterhood events or even Recruitment! #KKG #KKG1870