
506 Pins
1.3K views · 1.4K reactions | An amazing weaver, Yvonne Kraanen, showed me this trick quite a few years back. Put the shiny sides together so that when your pokinikini curl, they don’t get stuck together, and separate the muka from them both, in the middle before you start your miro, so that they don’t separate when you have finished 💚😊💚 #tipsandtricks #thankyou #yvonne 💚 | Anna Hayes Creative
29K views · 7.3K reactions | Drop spindles really highlight just how simple of a process it is to make yarn. The spindle takes the loose fibers and adds twist, which creates a strong and structured yarn. They make the perfect introduction for beginners or as a travel tool.💗 | Claudia -Cedar Hill Fiber Farm | Ophelia Wilde · spring
Care and feeding of drive bands: Spinner's Glossary
How to Spin Yarn To Keep Your Family Clothed & Warm - Survival Mom
Skill of the Month: Spin Your Own Yarn via The Survival Mom
Alternating Skeins When Knitting with Hand-Dyed Yarn – Knitting
Alternating Skeins When Knitting with Hand-Dyed Yarn – Knitting
How To Wind A Plying Ball