62 Pins
ArtStation - Explore
Mario, Gennaro Grazioso on ArtStation at http://www.artstation.com/artwork/mario-5fdf2833-4335-4794-adf7-9fa941f66939
ArtStation - Explore
Wolverine 3D, Ivan Gaskell on ArtStation at https://www.artstation.com/artwork/wolverine-3d
Hipster Portrait
Hipster Portrait on Behance ★ Find more at http://www.pinterest.com/competing/
The loss of your personal information because of carelessness and/or an actual robbery and they use that information to steal your identity
-- Share via Artstation iOS App, Artstation © 2015
Miller Bros. Blades
Miller Bros. Blades (MBB) M-2 Tactical Short Sword Specs: 17", 2-1/4" wide, 5/16" thick blade. http://www.millerbrosblades.com/
Custom Gladius Short Sword 19" Blade Available in Z-Wear PM, CPM 3V and 5160 steels Miller Bros Blades Custom Handmade knives , Swords & Tomahawks
Aesthetics Matter: 7 Ways to Optimize Your Blog Through Visual Content
Digital Illustrations by Jose Manuel Fernandez Oli
SergiCaballer - MasterKandor's Mime
SergiCaballer - MasterKandor's Mime by Sergi Caballer Garcia. Freelance Work: Character & facial shapes modeling for the main character of MasterKandor.