Studio Ghibli

20 Pins
佳奈 (@kana_gnpk) on X
Kiki la petite sorcière de Hayao Mizayaki (Ghibli) #fanart #miyazaki #ghibli
Majo no Takkyuubin (Kiki's Delivery Service) Mobile Wallpaper by Cartoongirl7 #1169048 - Zerochan Anime Image Board
Kiki's Delivery Service by cartoongirl17
Buy and sell on the world's most socially driven marketplace | Storenvy
Oh wow saw this and loved it, then realized it was Kaiami whose blog I follow!
Channel 4
11. Spirited Away (2001). An Academy Award win for Best Animated Film helped ensure this must-see anime’s place as both a gateway to Studio Ghibli’s peerless canon and an enduring inspiration to storytellers the world over.
Gorgeous art nouveau-inspired portraits of Miyazaki's characters
Pixiv user marlboro creates richly detailed portraits of the characters from Hayao Miyazaki's films. Each art nouveau-flavored illustration is packed with images and symbols from each movie.
Sophie from Miyazaki's "Howl's Moving Castle" - Artist unknown, sadly. Love this moment of Sophie, passing back and forth between old age, womanhood and girlhood, unaware of change. She is too busy thinking about how to save the day because her loved ones depend on her.
Kiki from Hayao Miyazaki's "Kiki's Delivery Service" - Art by kyuri One of my favorite Miyazaki films
Image #562112
Kiki's Delivery Service
Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi (Spirited Away) Image by Lixiaoyaoii #1019985 - Zerochan Anime Image Board
Spirited Away follow: #FilmCommunityBoard (
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The beautiful scenery in Howl's Moving Castle #StudioGhibli - I love studio ghibli's work, it's truly magnificent...
We LOVE Studio Ghibli #studioghibli #miyazaki
Howls moving castle best animated cartoon 'Howl: I feel terrible, like there's a weight on my chest. Young Sophie: A heart's a heavy burden.'
Juxtapoz Magazine - Ghibli Re-Imagined
Studio Ghibli Inspired Illustrations By Yaphleen | The Mary Sue