
309 Pins
Western Green Tree Frog 14 LJ Feb06 res
Theme, Development, Tropical, Biodiversity, Panache, Bra, Swimwear, University, Project, Style, Enhancement, Inspiration, Collection, Print, Pattern, Shape, Silhouette
Boophis viridis, Andasibe-5497
reptiglo: Boophis viridis, Andasibe-5497 by Henry.Cook on Flickr.
The Athlete by erezmarom on DeviantArt
Strawberry poison-dart frog (Oophaga pumilio) photographed by erezmarom on
Congo Tree Frog
Found near Lake Karavia in Lubumbashi, Southern Congo
National Geographic
The vivid red or orange skin of the splash-backed poison frog (Dendrobates galactonotus) is a danger signal to potential predators. The frog lives in leaf litter on the rain forest floor of the southern Amazon River Basin in South America.
If You Ever See One Of These Strange Creatures On The Beach, Notify Authorities Immediately. - DOGBEAST