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Ashley Veitz on Instagram: "SOME DAYS SHE IS A WARRIOR. SOME DAYS SHE'S A BROKEN MESS. MOST DAYS, SHE'S A BIT OF BOTH. BUT EVERY DAY SHE'S THERE. STANDING. FIGHTING. TRYING. #lovelifequotes #deeplovequotes #quotesandsayings #sayings #lifequotestoliveby #shayariquotes #lovequotesdaily #moveon #quotestoliveby #quotesbyme #goodquotes #quotestoday #malayalamquotes #quotations #lovequote #writers #quoted #quotestoremember #quotesworld #inspiration #quotesoftheday #moveonquotes #quotation #quotesforh
Dr. Leah Katz | Psychologist | Speaker I Media Contributor on Instagram: "Feeling this one today. It’s my book launch day! Today’s the day that the book I’ve worked on for the last three years and dreamt about for my whole life is born. It reminds me how fragile and delicate time really is, and how to make the most of what we have. Ironically, the more we recognize how fleeting everything is, the more meaning we find in ALL the moments. Check out my brand spanking new book, Gutsy: Mindfulness
Self-Care Is For Everyone® on Instagram: "➡️ drop a ‘🌕🌕🐈‍⬛’ if you also believe the full moon has a unique energy that can be harnessed for personal intention 🌱 🪞Try these 9 inner child reflections as a way to tap into that energy during the January 6th full moon 🌕"
tracy mcmillan on Instagram: "❤️ (Via @drkeyhallmon)"
Dr. Jenn Anders Psy.D | Psychology on Instagram: "How do you handle conflict and stress? Most likely, your reaction to being triggered comes from your parents... (this is not to blame but rather, to be aware). If you had a parent who suppressed their emotions, chances are you do the same. If you had an emotionally reactive parent, you probably find yourself reacting in the same way (this is normal)... Rather than shaming and judging yourself for acting "just like your parents did/do" the w
Nawal | Clinical Neuropsychology PhD Student on Instagram: "Taking care of your mental health does not have to be expensive or complicated. Here are some simple, yet underrated habits that can optimize your psychological health in the best way possible (i.e. with the highest ROI - Return of Investment) Which one of these do you already do? Which ones do you want to focus on more? The habits that I feel like I have successfully implemented into my routine are: • good sleep because I can instan
Dr. Jenn Anders, PsyD | Psychology on Instagram: "Radical acceptance is counterintuitive. You have probably been taught that in order to avoid negative feelings you must suppress, push away or ignore them. The reality is, this could not be further from the truth. In this post, you will learn; A. what radical acceptance actually is + B. how to add it into your toolkit so that you can more effectively manage anxious thoughts + feelings. Radical self-acceptance takes time to learn & even longer
Dr. Jenn Anders, PsyD | Psychology on Instagram: "Quick synopsis: it's not about the massive changes and the big undertakings that will change your life. It's about the little habits that add up over time. If you feel stuck, worried about the future, or unhappy with your current lot in life, start here: journaling in the morning walking meditations avoid the 3 P's Lastly: if people tell you “you’ve changed” (& they say it in a condescending way), this is a good thing! You are supposed to chan
I WEIGH 📣 on Instagram: "You probably wouldn’t let anyone speak to a friend the way you speak to yourself sometimes, but you should *absolutely* try to have the same filter 🤍🤍🤍 Be gentle with you // A sweet reminder from @s.l._gray 🤍"