Gym and garage extension

22 Pins
Cheap and stylish kitchen design? It’s as easy as ply!
plywood kitchen cabinet doors. This scandanvian look is stunning and classic and doesnt date at all. open shelving is very modern and means you have to buy stunning pieces for display! layer with splashback, feature tiles?
Stuart Williams, eco design, sustainable timber, sustainable design, designed objects Tasmania, Lake burberry, eco interiors, eco lighting,
Join The Industrial Revolution With Galvanized Home Decor
Eye For Design: Join The Industrial Revolution With Galvanized Home Decor
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Because...well, we all know why. Industrial Double Toilet Paper Holder - Dark Steel - Plumbing Pipe - 1/2"
Lockers for the garage! Absolutely love this. Great way to hide rising gear, roller blade stuff, balls!
A Bachelor Pad Landing Strip: Three Men & Lots of Shoes
Lockers with shoe storage inside - i want to do this!! how cool .....never thought of PAINTING old locker. Perfect for my boys room :)
Closet Solutions - Sew a Fine Seam
Old Metal Lockers for our entry way to hide/store all the school and jackets junk!