Wise words

Quotations, inspiration, rules for life and living, succinctly spoken truths...this is the place for them
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Invertir en conocimientos produce los mejores intereses". Esta frase la vi hace muchos años en la tesis de graduación de mi amigo Walfrido Figueroa.
So don't waste your energy making them understand. Your purpose was to plant a seed, not a whole tree 🎄
I want to sit on a board and make changes, or kick other people’s feet underneath
70 Funny Inspirational Quotes You're Going To Love – DailyFunnyQuote
70 Funny Inspirational Quotes Youre Going To Love life 4
10 Inspirational Quotes For When You're Beginning To Question EVERYTHING
“Don't fear failure. Fear being in the exact same place next year as you are today.”
10 Inspirational Quotes Of The Day (766) - LifeHack
People Inspire you or they drain you, pick them wisely.