
2,095 Pins
Rainbow Lattice Sunstone from "Rainbow Serpent Mine” Northern Territory, Australia
Fire and Ice: Canada’s New 111-Facet Diamond Cut
Fire and Ice: Canada’s New 111-Facet Diamond Cut
The stone you see above is called Lightning Ridge Black Opal. Description from I searched for this on
thisthatandthese: “New Angel Aura Quartz listed today! ”
This Extremely Rare Rainbow Lattice Sunstone is Mesmerizing
Rainbow Lattice Sunstone, Hart's Range, Northern Territory, Australia. Feldspar with Ilmenite and Hematite inclusions.
Channeling Divine Creativity – Circulating Higher Levels of Light -
Raise the Vibration of your Workplace by Keeping Crystals on Your Office Desk! Our top picks for crystals for your office desk are: Selenite, Shungite, Black Tourmaline, Fluorite, Amethyst, Apophyllitw, Clear Quartz, Smoky Citrine and Lapis Lazuli... Learn why and learn more here now! #crystals #workplace #raiseyourvibration #officedesk #crystallove
Gemstone Encyclopedia
Amber is fossilized tree resin (not sap), which has been appreciated for its color and natural beauty since Neolithic times.
Heritage Auctions Search [50 793 794 792 2088 4294942466 137]
Baltic Amber with Lizard Inclusion Eocene Ukraine
11 Uses & Properties of Selenite - Strong with Purpose | Healing & Intuitive Living
Learn about the uses and properties of selenite. #healing #crystals #selenite
Amazing Creatures Preserved In Amber - Paperblog
fossil frog in baltic amber | In #China? Try for award winning #kid's #science |