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:This One Site - PicLoco
I've been a competitive athlete since I was 5. Riding is the hardest thing I've ever done, but it's also the most fun and the most rewarding.
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Dont Mess With Me Bud – Horses Funny Demotivational Poster
<3 funny horse, HaHaHa...try putting a leash on my cat and trying to get her to walk...hilarious!! ;-D
Art : Funny, Bizarre, Amazing Pictures & Videos
sea horse silhouette Photo by Zena Holloway Tags: horse, photography, silhouette, swimming, Zena Holloway
Meeting the horse… this is hilarious !!!
No, my horses were thinking, " What a boring lesson you've got there... Let's spice it up and not follow anyone's directions!" lol. Gotta love em
Horse Quotes, I wish my horse still was a jumper... He was amazing(:
Always! Weather it be sheep, goats, cattle or horses they are always there. And they depend on you.
Coolio: Photo
I love this, but horses aren't a fault in my life, they are the main thing in my life that I love
"Silly Parents! Horses aren't a phase!" A Wild Horsefeathers Six Word Story Contest winner, Lauren Engeman
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Love this. Embarrassed myself last weekend by having to think about it though...."All King Edwards's Horses..."
I don't show horses or even have horses, but I have a lot of respect for people who do and are good at it.