
41 Pins
The Ultimate List of Math Facts Memory Tools |
The Ultimate List of Math Facts Memory Tools!
Homemade Counting Cookies from a simple salt dough recipe. Great for early number skills and imaginative play.
Simplifying Fractions Game | Activity |
Simplify It!: A Fraction Card Game....This is great to teach kids how to simplify fractions, and fun too!
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No more "said" Here's a way to display the various words to use instead of said. Clever idea!
Meeting Sensory Needs For Kids with Autism/Asperger's
She is a teacher and has so many ideas to help with classroom needs. Meeting Sensory Needs Use a hairband and it works too! Really helps student GRIP correctly!
In studying kids' math development in a psychology lab, I've learned that kids have to learn not only math concepts, but our language for expressing them. A kid who can do basic counting and addition when phrased in a straightforward way may have trouble answering questions with the same concept along with words like "between." I would've loved a chart like this as a kid.
Adding Fun
A fun way to encourage addition math skills with cups and paper towel or toilet paper rolls.