
22 Pins
Worldbuilding By Map - Fantastic Maps
Building a map can be a great way to build a world - this tutorial walks through 6 steps from the first outline idea to an fully fledged world.
How to draw cliffs - 3 different styles - Fantastic Maps
There are lots of ways to draw cliffs in a top-down map. Here's three different ways that I've used - often on different scales of maps. #fantasy #map #tutorial
How to draw isometric cliffs - Fantastic Maps
The three steps I use for drawing in cliffs in my isometric maps. #fantasy #map #tutorial
City Design Walkthrough - Fantastic Maps
Creating a city map: step 1 - the rough sketch Get the main locations in place, defences, and key roads. #fantasy #map #tutorial
Fantasy map - Step by step tutorial by Djekspek on DeviantArt
Fantasy map - Step by step tutorial by on @deviantART
How to draw a horizontal mountain range - Fantastic Maps
It's been a week of mountain ranges - I was asked for an east-west mountain range tutorial (rather than north-south). Here's the walkthrough, with particular note to the valleys. #fantasy #map #tutorial
How to Draw a Cave - Fantastic Maps
How I draw my cave maps. The image comes from my tutorial that goes into detail on the steps.
Map of Sathadra by Tsabo6 on DeviantArt
Map of Sathadra by Tsabo6 cartography | Create your own roleplaying game material w/ RPG Bard: | Writing inspiration for Dungeons and Dragons DND D&D Pathfinder PFRPG Warhammer 40k Star Wars Shadowrun Call of Cthulhu Lord of the Rings LoTR + d20 fantasy science fiction scifi horror design | Not Trusty Sword art: click artwork for source
How to Draw Forested Hills on a Top Down Map - Fantastic Maps
Often hills are indicated on a map by drawing an outline, but when you have forest on top, that outline gets obscured. So how do you draw forested hills? The trick is to use the detail of the forest to indicate the hills, rather than obscure them. It’s always useful to get some real world …
Fantasy Map Drawing
Fantasy Map Drawing - YouTube For twins map project.
T.E.S. IV Imperial City by SamOfSuthSax on DeviantArt
Dragonsmouth by MaximePLASSE on DeviantArt
Dragonsmouth by on @deviantART
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The Sword Coast, a dangerous swathe of land in the north of DnD's Faerun where soldiers and swindlers alike seek adventure. Featured in the new 5th...
Freeport! Most powerful city in all of Norrath. Here is as it stood during the ages of EverQuest II.