level 2 art

15 Pins
The climate apocalypse is here. You have one last chance to stop it
Climate change is already here. You have one last chance to stop it - Los Angeles Times
12 excuses for climate inaction and how to refute them
Climate change: 12 excuses for inaction and how to refute them - Vox
Climate Crisis
4 weird ways climate change could end civilization
Student Artists On Climate Change and Polar Bears | Bow Seat Ocean Awareness Programs
Climate Change and Polar Bears ...
Earth Day 2019: The Fuse is Lit, It’s Time to Act
The climate change fuse is lit. We must act now, or we may not be able to prevent the worst health consequences of #climatechange. #EarthDay #EarthDay2019 #globalwarming #healthprofessionals @PaulAuerbachMD