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I like the decoupage print on the cans painted over with designs. Good for 7-12 yr old camp.
82 Easy Handmade Christmas Ornaments to Start Making Now
Use paper scraps to make these unique paper bird ornaments. Get the free pattern here:
monster coffee sleeve • little bird creations
monster coffee sleeve • little bird creations by nanette
A Decoration Which Pricks !
A decoration which pricks ! Click for instructions on making this cute little guy from a papperback book. Kids don't try this with the book mommy is reading!
13 Things to Make with Book Pages {crafting}
Book Crafts - Book Page Flowers {tutorial} ~ These whimsical flowers are adorable! The added vintage button is perfect for adding a punch of color. You can put them in a vase or wrap them on a package.
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mixed media bird art canvases. cute idea for a craft with the kiddos
Decoupage Jars
Aren't these colorful jars cute? Make the most of your old pasta and jam jars by letting little kids go wild with tissue paper and glue (or Mod Podge). Once dry, fill them with craft supplies or a candle! Source: Etsy user usedandabused
14 Easy Halloween Crafts for Toddlers and Preschoolers
Crumple balls of newspaper wrapped in ducktape. Then add the white trash can bags (the ones you use in the kitchen trash cans) or cheap white sheets, now add a wooden dow and ribbon. or try your local Wallgreens for two dollars you can buy bag of 6 Ghost stakes and all you have to add is balls of paper. Doing this, LOVE it!
panopolie book tree
Book Page Tree ~~ A holiday book tree made by Panopolie, on display at Cameron Village Regional Library - Photo by Katy @ CAM
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Rolled Recycled Book Pages for a Paper Rose Christmas Tree from this tutorial: @Brent Roberts @Laura Johnson @Monica Herber @Rachel Davis
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Paper Trees - great idea from Kelsey to make and put on a Christmas card! Also, reuse old Christmas cards and cardstock to make new ones!