
127 Pins
Some example from one of my favourite books: ‘Reaper, Why Can’t You Be Normal?’, ‘Error Just Wanted Some Sleep’, ‘Let’s Play “What Happens When You Go Through A Broken Portal”’, ‘Pointless Child Murder’, ‘Fell, Do You Have A Death Wish?’, ‘I Swear We Didn’t Do It!’ and ‘Well That Just Happened...’ (If anyone wants to try the story out, it’s by EmoTrash360 on Wattpad and it’s called ‘In Love With The Enemy’. It’s AMAZING!!!)
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Abuse apologists<--- I think this is weirdly important. As the audience, we can easily become intellectually detached from a movie in pursuit of emotionally supporting a villain. It is nice to see some common sense, even if I still like some of the more insane villains out there (I'm looking at you, Moriarty).