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Magazine Layouts, Magazine Design, Typography, Photography, and Graphic Design image inspiration on Designspiration
Esta portada destaca por tener un énfasis en el centro.Las dos imágenes a blanco y negro, en sentidos opuestos, la hacen ver llamativa e interesante
oh. oh i like this. igniting hope. revealing. maybe their rsvp or guest ticket could be on transparent. whatever requires less type/blanks to fill in
A Look at the True Meaning of “Psychedelic” Design with Paul Major, the Man Whose Mind Expanded
Natural Garden, Paris
i can almost see a web site here. nature/camp/fun. really like this, but maybe with incorporating really wildflowers
I really like the different shapes they have used to put the photos in to create a bit of order but it is disorderly through the way they are randomly placed.
Printed + folded brochure design - Graphic design inspiration - Print and Packaging - Portfolio inspiration
Nelly Rodi Newsletter
This is the simplest kind of buisness card i've seen and i really like it so minimal and the important information like the name is the thing that everyone sees