Sea turtles & Co.

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Einfach wow! Wollt ihr auch in diesem klaren Wasser baden und euch an dem weißen Sandstrand sonnen? Dann ab nach Sansibar in Tansania #Tansania #Sansibar #erlebeFernreisen
28 travel quotes to inspire your next beach trip
Chillen in the sea. #wouldLovetobethere..
Cayman Islands: Stingray City these super large creatures skim over you like butta !
Mit Seehunden schwimmen - DONE ✓
Tropical paradise with turtles ~ By Vitaliy Sokol
RTW in 30 Days – The Book
Bora Bora, French Polynesia - The sea turtle sanctuary at Le Meridien Bora Bora - Meet the newest #turtle hatchlings on Bare Sand Island in @ausoutbacknt. These two were seen hatching and heading for the sea during a @seadarwin Turtle Tracks Tour this week. An unforgettable experience, these tours depart from Darwin on select dates around the new and full moon from April to October each year. | Facebook
Meet the newest #turtle hatchlings on Bare Sand Island in @ausoutbacknt. These two were seen hatching and heading for the sea during a @seadarwin Turtle Tracks Tour this week.
Baby Sea Turtle
Baby Sea Turtle