Richard and Mary Garden

24 Pins
Gallery of DS House / Planned Living Architects - 5
Gallery of DS House / Planned Living Architects - 5
Custom Jewelry Ideas - The latest trendy fashion custom jewelry ideas
Landmark Homes Showhome. Hedge Railway Sleeper Edging #GardenEdging
Le Prieuré D’Orsan – The Dahlia Papers
timber sleeper decking from the Prieuré D'Orsan
Echium candicans Pride of Madeira. I remember these from my trip to LA. I saw them everywhere and fell in love with them. Wish they'd grow here in WI.
nature's vision : Natures Vision Blog
Nature's Vision Blog. Wamberal coastal residence. Front garden plantings consist of Coastal Rosemary, Coastal and Swamp Banksia, Queensland Bottle Tree, Casuarina Cousin it, Xanthorrhea glauca, Poa Suggan Buggan, NZ flax, Corokia Silver Ghost and Carex grasses planted amongst aged railway stepped sleepers, basalt boulders and terrazo steppers.