
24 Pins
AQUÁRIOS MODERNOS - (Modern aquariums)
I really like this, could make it out of rock and mortar or decorative blocks, plexiglass and silicon sealer..hmmm
For many beginner aquascapers there are very real constraints on space and budget. This is where a Nano Aquascape can be a great introduction to the hobby..
Stocking a 3 to 5 Gallon Aquarium
This is a really hlepful article about setting up a small fish tank. The person actually knows both about caring for fish, and setting up an attractive looking aquarium. Spent 20 minutes looking through my internet history to find again. Pinning, so I don't lose it!
#310: 472L Aquatic Garden “輕舟已過萬重山 Happiness is the way”
2013 AGA Aquascaping Contest - Entry #310
salt water tank by the tub....I dreamed of this when I used to draw up house plans when I was little. I can't believe it really exists somewhere!
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unbelievable fish tanks that make a splash....Salt Water Spa... One of the best places for a fish tank is near the bathtub—relaxation has never been more swimmingly serene.
Beautiful Fish.