
This is Homestuck Board, I am going to make a board for everything <3
148 Pins
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHYESSSS<<< I dont ship it but that was so cute omg<< O-O then who do you ship. Cause that kinda hurt my ships shipping feelings you ship shipper killer! XD
Grand high blood aquariumstuck being tranquilized <<<If you don't know what the best AU is, it's this
This is amazing and I ship it.<<XD why am I laughing so hard?
I don't know if I'm obscenely tired or this is just adorable but either way I am going to keep spamming you guys's news feeds with it until you stop following me.
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oh myyyy gggggooooooodnessss. i just cant! its to cute!!!!!!!!!!!! squeeeelllllll!!!!!!!!
we can do anything. I would say we could survive the apocalypse, but we already have several times.
lights over the city
when mama Kanaya isn't home (drunk Rose district)
Expectation Vs Reality