Projects to Try

57 Pins
Chocolate pig cake!! - I Heart Nap Time
Have to remember this for my mom's birthday this year
I will defiantly be trying this. If you could wire a light bulbs into the inside it would be even better.
Bricoler des papillons de papier! Faites-en des décorations!
Bricoler des papillons de papier! Faites-en des décorations! - Bricolages - Des bricolages géniaux à réaliser avec vos enfants - Trucs et Bricolages - Fallait y penser !
L'origami : technique et définition
Un arc en ciel d'oiseux sur une branche, encore une décoration murale vraiment belle et originale.
True Blue Me & You DIYs for Creatives
DIY 27 Woven Danish Heart Printables chatbreak here. Top Row Photos: DIY Woven Danish Felt Basket Tutorial from Radmegan here.
How to Make DIY Swedish Advent Stars From Recycled Book Pages
DIY Swedish Advent Stars From Recycled Book Pages
Bow Punch Gift Box Topper
Stampin' Up! Bow Builder Punch Gift Box Topper [Click link for instructions] | Bow Punch, Tiny Treat Boxes & DSP Patterns Stack | Created by Rachel & Katie Legge
How to Make a 3D Paper Snowflake: 3 Simple Tutorials
Christmas crafts - Chloe and I made some of these on the weekend to hang on the window.
Crayon Melt
Crayons in a glue gun; oh the possibilities! THIS IS SO FREAKING COOL!!!
Haut les Coeurs ! #DIY - jesus-sauvage
Haut les Coeurs ! (DIY et Concours) - jesus-sauvage
Folding 5 Pointed Origami Star Christmas Ornaments
Origami Star Christmas Ornaments