29 Pins
Making the humans look abit like robots to hide their identity? Some of the poor may be employed to be working alongside the robots but government can't guarantee their protection against the riots when they are not patrolling.
Robot Security by thaigraff on DeviantArt
maybe instead of trying to make higher tech robots, we have more rougher robots,=. like bigger and meaner looking than elysium
brave cadet
this just reminded me of a medical robot. could be used to find critical cases amongst the poor
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could have medical bays positioned around the city that between 2091 and elysium get abandoned because its too dangerous for dr. to work there
Would be fun to restyle this to what it would have looked like when the rich people had first built it
This is the development process for what Carlyle's gun would look like. Find it interesting with the first one is so detailed.