DIY Kids

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Prénoms en Japonais
Arbre pour mes CP! Utiliser bouteille de coca. Printemps 1 séance. Dessin au feutre le tronc.
DIY Beautiful Curly Paper Flowers
DIY Beautiful Curly Paper Flowers. It looks like fun to me but my students would probably find it tedious.
Salt Dough Recipe (for Handprints & Ornaments)
These Salt Dough Handprint Ornaments are so easy to make and would be an easy kids craft!
No-Sew Sock Snowman Craft
DIY No-Sew Sock Snowman Craft for Kids and Grownups. Such a fun DIY Gift Idea
Spare Sock Snowman
This Spare Sock Snowman is adorable. Check out the website for the tutorial with all the tips and tricks you need to make it.
Cinnamon Stick Reindeer Ornament
These cinnamon stick reindeer ornaments are easy to make and give as gift for the holidays.