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16 Cost-Saving Tips for Do It Yourself Raised Garden Beds
Tomato Growing Tip #104: Make your own soil mix for raised beds and save money with Tomato Dirt #RaisedBeds #TomatoGrowingTips #GardeningTips #HomeGarden
How to Save Tomato Seeds
When saving tomato seeds, there are 3 methods: basic drying, fermentation, and forced volunteer planting. Fermenting tomato seeds allows seeds to store longer. Read more on | #tomato #tomatoes #gardening #garden #gardener #vegetablegarden #vegetablegardening #gardeningtips #growyourownfood #seedsaving
How to Stop Green Algae Forming On Garden Seed Starting Mixes
How to Stop Green Algae Forming On Garden Seed Starting Mixes
What's Needed to Successfully Start Seeds Indoors on a Budget (An Overview For New Gardeners)
What's Needed to Successfully Start Seeds Indoors on a Budget (An Overvi...
A Better Way to Grow Tomato Transplants & Growing Tips (The Tomato 'Root' Transplant)
A Better Way to Grow Tomato Transplants & Growing Tips (The Tomato 'Roo...
Growing Hostas From Seed!
So you're wondering, can I grow a hosta from seed? Growing hostas from seed is a tricky endeavor, but if you have patience and keep a few things in mind, it can be worth your time. First, it's important to remember that hostas will not come true from seed. The hosta plant that you grow from seed will most assuredly be very different than the hosta you harvested the seeds from.
15 Early Spring Garden Chores
Although the term “early spring” for me in Zone 6 Ohio may not be the same time as the “early spring” for your garden zone, for this article, early spring means that time of year when winter seems to be coming to an end and intermittent freezes and thaws are happening in the garden. The first signs of Spring!
Avoid and Repair Transplant Shock
Moving a plant from one place to another is not as simple as digging it up, plopping it in the ground and hoping it will be fine. Plants that undergo too much transplant shock can be open to diseases, pests, and can weaken them to the point where they never fully recover. If they are food plants, you may notice a smaller harvest or no harvest at all.
Dealing with Harvest Overwhelm
Finding Joy in the Garden in Fall Season (or Late Summer): Dealing with Harvest Overwhelm #gardeningjoy #gardening #harvest #harvestoverwhelm #gardenencouragement #gardeningtips
How to Start Ginger in a Bag & Gain 3 Months Growing Time (Growing Garden Ginger Hack)
How to Start Ginger in a Bag & Gain 3 Months Growing Time (Growing Garde...
7 Very Cheap Garden Fence Ideas
7 very cheap garden fence ideas with Toamto Dirt #GardeningTips #GardenFence #HomeGarden #VegetableGarden
Homemade Seed Starting Soil Mix Recipe
This Simple Homemade Seed Starting Soil Mix Recipe will not only help you save money while starting seeds, it will let you be in control of the quality of your soil ingredients. #homemadeseedstartingsoil #seedstartingtips #gardeningtips
How to Get Started Growing Food on A Budget - Picking A Garden Spot (A New Gardener Series E-1)
How to Get Started Growing Food on A Budget - Picking A Garden Spot (A N...