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Witches Broom, Random Tips, Witchy Tips, Broom Closet, Eclectic Witch, Witchcraft For Beginners, Wicca Witchcraft, Witch Spell, Baby Witch
Http://www.free-witchcraft-spells.com/ - This site has a great deal of useful things, have a snoop :) httpallwww.ladyamythyst-COm/magickalçqrrequndençesehtm - Correspondences and stuff about the moon http:[/www.witchipedia.com[table:color-correspondences - Colour Correspondences httpzllwww.witchípedia.com/tablezdays-of-the-week - Days of the week correspondences http:l/www.thewhitegoddess.co.uk/correspondences/index.asp - Table and search bar of correspondences httpzllwww.spellsofmagicsonv - Huuuuge inventory, you can literally find it all on here http://wiccanspells.info/ - more wiccany stuff httpzllspellbookofwitches.tumblr.com/ - witchy blog... another good one would be quegrkitchenwitçh https:l/www.pinteresmzom/expIore/witchcraft-spells/ - here’s a ton of stuff people have put on pinterest http:/lwww.thesmartwitch.com/ The_SmarLthclLMagic_SpelJ.html - some more info, i havent read it all but it looks pretty good - iFunny
𝐏𝐈𝐍: @𝐥𝐮𝐱𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐪𝐮𝐞 🍒