Kupu Maori

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A pepeha is essentially your 'identity blueprint'. Your unique story. Your connection to significant places, people and history. It identifies who you are, where you're from and where you belong. #tereomāori #māori #tereo #māorilanguage #typography #handlettering #tereomaori #maori #kupuoterā #kupu #vocab #maoribusiness #smallbusiness #nzbusiness #nzbusinesswomen #pepeha #whakapapa #māoriculture #maoriculture #identity #connections
Māori lyrics: Tiki Taane
Lyrics from the te reo Māori version of Tiki Taane's waiata: 'Always On My Mind / Kei Tōku Ngākau Nei Koe' — "You're always on my mind" #tikitaane #tereomāori #māori #tereo #māorilanguage #typography #handlettering #tereomaori #maori #maorilanguageweek #kiakahatereomāori #kiakahatereomaori #aotearoa #lyrics #waiataanthems #newzealand #nzband #nzmusic #nzmusicians