Painting - The environment

270 Pins
Lot's Wife | Cleveland Museum of Art
Lot's Wife, 1989 by Anselm Kiefer From the collection of the Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, OH
Flowerona Reflects: robins & ranunculus
Daniel Mackie is a watercolour artist who specialises in botanically inspired animal prints. I particularly liked this one...
Quando le parole scritte sono vere
Quando le parole sono costruite per illudere, non c’é speranza che possano restare scritte per sempre. Quando le parole servono a coprire la verità, non c’è che inganno. Quando le parol…
Robert Kushner: Portraits & Perennials - - Exhibitions
Robert Kushner: Portraits & Perennials - Exhibitions - DC Moore Gallery
Robert Kushner - Artists
Installations - Featured Works - Robert Kushner - Artists - DC Moore Gallery
Robert Kushner: baroque - - Publications
- Robert Kushner: baroque - Publications - DC Moore Gallery