Kick ass house ideas

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Tween Bedroom {boys room} - Just a Girl Blog
LOVE THIS! In master bedroom and maybe with our signs and/or window display of wedding stuff over the bed! :)
Closets & Closet Organizers by California Closets
What a great idea for men's ties. You can build it yourself, awesome!
Another Banquette idea for a small kitchen
The Best DIY and Decor Place For You: Another Banquette idea for a small kitchen
10 Great Mudrooms - The Inspired Room
10 Great Mudrooms - The Inspired Room <>< Love this!...for a future mud room??
The Internet's Most Asked Questions
I need one of these in my future house… via the metapicture - Great idea for a guest bed/bedroom
small kitchen ideas
"Bench in the kitchen for small kitchens" wow... if this is a small kitchen, mine is extra tiny!
The Country Home by Alessandro Isola Ltd. | Living space
Bathroom - Most unique way of using spaces and the lit up niches and the tower of slabs to build up the pedestal sink. Well thought out with materials and colour palette. Impressive.. (repinned photo only from I M Lab-The Country Home)
How to group art and collectibles into high-impact wall decor - 6 basic ideas from 19 reader homes - Retro Renovation
"Reader Amy F. displays the vintage Nancy Drew books that she inherited from her grandma on shelves lovingly made by her husband. "