Cute Animals

Conner Manning Made friends with the most affectionate street cat PM OS Sep 17 ill View Tweet activity MaMY WALUNN IUL OW Replying to And then he started following me Conner Manning @AConnorManning He's in my house Ow Connor Manning @AConnorManning We're hanging out on my porch Qi Connor Manning @AConnorManning His name is Socks Connor Manning @AConnorManning We're in love Conner Manning @AConnorManning Back inside Conner Manning @AConnorManning SOCKS IS PURRING Conner Manning @AConnorManning Do have a cat now? ia Conner Manning @AConnorManning Socks doesn't want to hangout inside and I'm chill with that she can do whatever she wants and I'll feed her if she wants to hangout Os Ow Conner Manning @AConnorManning Gel had to leave and so I left her a bed, some water, and a box to play with. Hope she stays and sleeps on my porch. Or at least visits a lot Bi Conner Manning @AConnorManning Socks update I'm home and she's not here I hope she's happy and safe and comes back to visit. Bi Conner Manning @AConnorManning SHE CAME BACK as Conner Manning @AConnorManning -Gel DONT DISTURB HER SHE'S THE SLEEPIEST PAIR OF SOCKS Qa we Conner Manning @AConnorManning Her name is Socks Desiree Manning. Because she's a street cat. A street cat named Desiree 19 30: Connor Manning @AConnorManning Gel Socks and I are gonna go to the vet later to find out if she has a chip and another family. But she can stay if not. 305 Ow Q? Connor Manning @AConnorManning Socks. Socko. Rockem Sockem Robot. Toe Socks. Socks it to me. ia Conner Manning @AConnorManning We're at the vet she's doing so good! Conner Manning @AConnorManning No chip! About 6 months old. She may be living with me from now on who knows I sure as heck have no idea what I'm doing. Conner Manning @AConnorManning She boop Qa Conner Manning @AConnorManning Id Welcome home, lady. You're staying with me. - iFunny
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Bi-dur-be-irem awsomecutecats awsomecutecats At the vet's office 21.917 not - iFunny
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