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The Morrigan by IndigoDesigns on DeviantArt
Celtic Goddess Morrigan~THE MORRIGU/MORRIGAN /MORRIGHAN / MORGAN(Ireland, Wales, and Britain)*Goddess*Supreme war goddess. Queen of phantoms and demons, shape-shifter. The crone aspect of the goddess, great white goddess. Patroness of priestesses and witches. Revenge, night, magick, prophecy /MARGAWSE (Wales) *Goddess* Mother aspect of the Goddess. /
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Disney Characters Princesses Art Nouveau Illustrations Hannah A aurora sleeping beauty arielle the little mermaid pocahontas rapunzel tangled belle beauty and the beast merida brave snow white mulan jasmine aladdin
Gorgeous Illustrations by Gracjana Zielińska | Art and Design
Japan: Amaterasu (meaning "shining in heaven"). Goddess of the sun, and the universe, in the Shinto religion and Japanese myth cycle. The Emperor of Japan is said to be a direct descendant of Amaterasu.
Deities – Page 2 – Witches Of The Craft®
Juno, Goddess of Marriage Areas of Influence: Juno was the Goddess of marriage, pregnancy and childbirth. She was the Queen of the Gods and ... Read More At: http://witchesofthecraft.com/category/deities/page/2/
Freya and the Necklace
freya & the necklace ... ~ j. doyle penrose ... goddess of love, beauty, gold, fertility, war ... norse mythology
Ériu, the patron goddess of Ireland. When humans first arrived in Ireland, three important sister goddesses, Ériu, Banba and Fódla, all asked that the island be named after them. Ériu was given the honor, and therefore the ancient name of Ireland is Éire.
Desert Angels by Johanna Pieterman
Rhiannon is a welsh goddess whose name means divine queen of the fairies. The story of the Celtic goddess reminds us of the healing power of humour, tears and forgiveness. She is the goddess of movement and change, yet is steadfast and comforts us in times of crisis or loss. Rhiannon was the lunar goddess of fertility and rebirth, transformation, wisdom and magic. She was worshipped under the moonlight.
24 April 7p-11p OSTARA-Spring Flower Power Interactive
Rhea The Titanis Goddess of Fertility
Demeter and her daughter, Persephone, the goddess of Spring 1900
Demeter and her daughter, Persephone, the goddess of Spring 1900
Sunna - - the Norse Goddess of the Sun. Norse mythology, the Sun is female while the Moon is male.
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The Spiral Goddess The spiral is one of the oldest and most widely acknowledged of the sacred symbols, representing the life force, the path in which energy moves and the creative power in each of us. Spiral Goddess Watercolor by thekreations
Goddess Nicneven
Goddess Nicneven, mother witch and queen of the Scottish fairies