craft projects to do

121 Pins
41 Ways To Reuse Your Broken Things
Tree-house meets teepee meets hammock meets...trampoline? Yep, that's right! Amazing up-cycled trampoline DIY project for your backyard.
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tightly rolled-up magazine pages glued onto canvas = very cool image pattern making
10 Creative DIY Garden Planters Made from Upcycled Finds
It turns out that you can grow plants pretty much anywhere, these upcycled planters will definitely do the trick!
Top 10 Tuesday {8}: DIY Pallet Art Projects - Taryn Whiteaker Designs
Pallets naturally make good shelves - and if the little area isn't big enough it is super easy to attach larger shelves.
41 Ways To Reuse Your Broken Things
Tree-house meets teepee meets hammock meets...trampoline? Yep, that's right! Amazing up-cycled trampoline DIY project for your backyard.
DIY 20 Pallet Bed Frame Ideas
DIY 20 Pallet Bed Frame Ideas | 99 Pallets