Inspirational quotes

the quote is written in black on a white background
" whiskey words and a shovel volume II " by r.h. Sin now available for 20% off at #barnesandnoble using this code: F7V8H7U & or $9 at (link in my bio) #whiskeywordsandashovel More
a piece of paper with an old fashioned poem written in black ink on top of it
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I Want (tyler knott,poetry,love)
an old typewriter with writing on it and the words written in black are shown
@Tyler Knott Gregson. Loving these so much right now. His writing seriously gives me chills
an image of a poem written in black and white with the words, she was the most beautiful, complicated thing i'd ever seen
the words are written in black and white on a pink background with an orange border
the words don't give up now, changes are your best kiss and your greatest laugh are still yet to come
16 Quotes That Will Make You Go On & Never Give Up
Giving up may seem easy right now, and it may seem to be the right solution. Don't do it, keep fighting, it will be worth it in the end.
a piece of paper with writing on it that says, i'm never going to love you
never ever go by the book