Star Signs <3

80 Pins
My favorite part about this is that I'm a Scorpio, and Scorpio's bit is a Mean Girls reference.
Aries facts, aside from being moody and short tempered those don't fit me but everything else is 100% accurate ;) | Zodiac Signs
There are times I want to completely engulf someone's senses with everything... All my love, thoughts, and feelings ... If I could hug them with my very soul I would
Marriage prediction horoscope - I´m an armchair astrologer I belive you should be careful in marrige predicitons horoscope l. Trust your inner feeling ,,,if that don´t work this could be a great site. But I do like the zodiac picture
TheZodiacCity - Best Zodiac Facts Since 2011.
First of all, those are four things. Second, everyone needs those things.