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These are facts. Plus, animals cost a lot less! A lot less stress, aren't the cause behind many break ups and divorces. They don't creat the kind of money troubles that also lead to divorce. So yeah, pets are better than breeding more humans. The human race isn't going to disappear, you don't NEED to have kids. We can afford to breed less. It'll save us money too.
When Women Get to a Certain Age They Start Collecting LOTS of CATS This Is Called MANY PAWS! | Cats Meme on ME.ME
Beautiful little Sand Cat!! one of the smaller Wild Cats. The Sand Cat inhabits the arid regions in the Middle East. There are five distinct populations: two in the Sahara desert of northern Africa, one in southern Saudi Arabia, one around the Caspian Sea in Russia, and one in Pakistan. Isn’t she lovely :) ♥️
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