
562 Pins
The Babydoll Southdown Sheep at Coonamessett Farm
Call me weird, but I have a deep love for black sheep. Well, brown in Coco's case. They are so beautiful and rare.
Durrell’s Vontsira found in only one place on Earth – near Lake Alaotra in Madagascar.
Animal Insurance | Weird animals, Rare animals, Unusual animals
Endangered Pangolin. The only mammal with scales! Animals, Creatures, and Beasts. Wild Kingdom:
Adult Antelope Jackrabbit at dusk (vertical)
Adult Antelope Jackrabbit at dusk (Lepus alleni)
Access Denied | Frans Lanting Studio
Western tarsier, Tarsius bancanus, Sabah, Borneo | Frans Lanting Photoshelter
Male Gelada by Clay Wilton / 500px
Beautiful. Male Gelada by Clay Wilton on 500px
Here you go Charlie. A long lost cousin of your squirrel family.
Brevard white squirrel.