Garden Magic

27 Pins
DIY Outdoor Screens and Backyard Privacy Ideas
Great way to plant bamboo. Bamboo tends to be intrusive and hard to remove once it takes hold. It spreads fast if not contained.
Referans » Plantas e flores em pouco espaço » Arquivo
Fabulous little arrangement! You'd have to have a very bright room for those plants on the bottom to get enough light.
String of Pearls Plant: How to Grow Senecio rowleyanus Indoors
String of Pearls (Senecio rowleyanus) Trails 2-3 ft. Bright light with some direct sun. Water thoroughly, then allow to dry out slightly between waterings: will not tolerate soggy soil. Use cactus potting mix (3 parts good quality potting soil, 1 part sharp sand). Feed once/month spring through fall with a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted by half. In winter, water just enough to prevent soil from drying out. Warm temps spring thru fall (70-80°F), cool temps winter (55-60°F) #houseplant #myt
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pine bonsais
Amazing airplants. what an unusual idea. those plants grow on light cables on the street in south brazil.