Design - Constructivism & Bauhaus Influenced Design

(draft) After World War 1in Germany and the October Revolution in Russia, the Constructivists and Bauhaus movements began to flourish. The constructivists envisioned their work as a way to work towards creating a utopian society. The Bauhaus movement...Notice the straight lines, strong diagonals, blocks & shapes of solid colour, hierarchy of information and clarity of the work. This modern movement would go on to influence the Swiss and Corporate Modern style of design.
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let's modernize the world together
Alexandre Mikhaïlovitch Rodtchenko 1891 - 1956 Александр Михайлович Родченко Artiste russe à la fois peintre, sculpteur, photographe et designer
Aleksander Rodchenko
Born in Russia in 1891 Rodchenko became an artist and designer of many mediums including painting, photography, sculpture, advertising and packaging. Heavily influenced by the upheaval surrounding the Russian revolution of 1917, he was one of the most prolific constructivist artists of the period. He was also a member of the Productivists, which pushed for the introduction of art into every day life, a concept which in many ways describes modern day graphic design.
Shepard Fairey Home Invasion Print Release
(How Many Are?) Shepard Fairey ~Repinned Via Suzanne Laykin
"Paint It Black - Hand" Art Print by Shepard Fairey (Onsale Info) - OMG Posters!
"Paint It Black - Hand" Art Print by Shepard Fairey (Onsale Info
Alexander Rodchenko
Alexander Rodchenko
History Photography and Graphic Design
History Photography and Graphic Design by Alki1, via Flickr
Aleksander Rodchenko
Aleksander Rodchenko Dobrolet Print
Bauhaus: Ninety Years of Inspiration — Smashing Magazine
El Lissitzky - When I look at the history of western graphic design its hard for me to not break it into two categories: Pre-Lissitzky and After-Lissitzky. Graphic design before him seems literally to be a separate discipline with no clear link to what came after him, and to this day most graphic work can be categorized as being descendent either from his work or the work of everyone before him.