japanesse tatto

12 Pins
Let me state the person who pinned this before me and labeled it as Korean. It's actually Japanese kanji. This is no where close to Hangul.
26 Best Cherry Tattoo Designs - Pretty Designs
B A S I C A L L Y Cherry Blossom Tattoo; would like this if only it was on the lower side of the back .
Cats Tattooing Each Other In Surreal Japanese Ink Wash Paintings
Meet Kazuaki Horitomo - a California-based Japanese artist that has two great passions in life - cats and tattoos. The artist decided to combine the two and great new project was born - Monmon Cats.
Tattoo: Beauty & Personal Care
Browse Worlds Largest Tattoo Image Gallery : TrueArtists.com - Add some Birds on a branch, perfecto.