
10 reasons to check out our Satellites context
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Measuring methane from space - SLH T&L RESOURCE
The start-up detecting smugglers, illegal fishing, and clandestine meetings at sea - STUFF April '22
Preliminary Satellite-Derived Damage Assessment - UNITAR PDF DOWNLOAD
Team creates a nautical navigational tool using satellite-derived reef bathymetry - MBIE VIDEO
Uni students to test power system product aboard Rocket Lab mission
A trio of university students has raised half a million to test their product in space aboard a Rocket Lab mission in July.
Clouds Protocol -
Clouds are powerful agents of global change. They affect the overall temperature or energy balance of the Earth and play a large role in controlling the planet's long-term climate. We need accurate data on clouds to understand their impact over time. NASA and others have a number of satellites orbiting the Earth and collecting data about clouds and Earth’s energy. While these satellites give us a big picture of what’s going on, they sometimes have trouble with the details. We need your help...
5 NASA Spacecraft That Are Leaving Our Solar System for Good
...humanity has already launched five robotic probes that are on paths to interstellar space. Each of these craft was primarily designed to explore worlds in the outer solar system. But when they finished their jobs, their momentum continued to carry them farther from the Sun. Astronomers knew their ultimate fate was to live among the distant stars. And that’s why all but one of these spacecraft carries a message for any extraterrestrial intelligence that might find it along the way.
Tracking seals from outer space
Shanelle Dyer is an MSc Geography student at the University of Canterbury, using remote sensing and GIS for conservation. Her thesis focuses on counting Weddell seals in the Ross Sea Marine Protected Area (MPA) in Antarctica, in an effort to see how well MPAs protect our vulnerable marine life.
Going, going, gone: Satellite images reveal NZ's vanishing nature
Dramatic satellite images have laid bare New Zealand's biodiversity crisis, revealing how thousands of hectares of native habitat have vanished in just a few years. Forest & Bird says the Manaaki Whenu-Landcare Research data, showing decreases in 12 of 13 types of native habitat over the last decade, signals the need for better policy to protect what we've got left. The call comes as the Government is asking for feedback on a set of proposed bottom-lines for regional councils to identify ...
Homepage | MethaneSAT
Reducing emissions of methane, a potent greenhouse gas, is the single fastest way to slow the pace of global warming. MethaneSAT will help unlock this opportunity with a high-resolution satellite instrument, powerful new analytics, and a transformational campaign to turn data gathered from space into effective climate solutions on Earth.