Moonlight inspiration

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A speck in the universe
Comparativa de tamaños oder wenn du denkst die Sonne ist der grösste Planet ,irsst du gewaltig, es gibt noch andere SonnenSysteme im UNIversum, denn dies geht über unserem Denken hinaus, kurz gesagt unvorstellbar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
APOD: 2015 July 10 - Messier 43
Messier 43 (NGC 1982) lies about 1,500 light-years away, near the edge of Orion's giant molecular cloud. This composite image shifts the otherwise invisible infrared wavelengths to blue, green, and red colors, allowing us a peek into caverns of interstellar dust hidden from visible light. These short-lived blue stars recently forged in the region emit copious amounts of ultraviolet light that ionize the surrounding gas. (NASA APOD / Las Campanas Observatory / Harvard-Smithsonian CfA)
Everything you’ve experienced has given you the upper hand for dealing with everything you have yet to experience. Realize this and set yourself free.