
95 Pins
Welcom to Lily & Co.
I want an awesome tree-house like this one! Imagine the workout you'd get climbing that gorgeous staircase?
Idée du jour - La tribu des elfes
herb garden ... reclaimed wood. Could suspend it from heavy-duty hooks and "I" bolts along house wall to keep dogs from eating it
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This place inspires me! If a little shed can be transformed into this, then I know I can transform my garage someday into a studio apt and art studio!!! Maybe instead of a bed, a desk/ work area?
Earthen Architecture: 15 of the World's Dirtiest Buildings
This cob house is pretty cool! I like that the material allows for cheap, unique architectural designs.
mcchrisforeverrr: you can also find me here.
la belle vie
I love this small house and pool. I could go for something like this when I retire...with a root cellar. :)
The Enchanted Home
Great guest room!... love the bunk beds that can be hidden away. super cozy. not a room i would want in my house per se (too close of sleeping quarters), but a fantastic vacation room for the whole fam.
Rustic House
I love the idea of a barn yard that is landscaped as well!! Imagine landscaping with insect repellent plants! I always wish there was a way to keep the horse flies off the horses more besides spray!