Everything Pinoy

Even though I'm not a filipina but my fascination with the country the people and the food has remained ever since I watched my first pinoy drama
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Filipino feast style - did this for my husband on his birthday and everyone devoured the whole table within minutes!!!
Manila, Philippines late 1950s. Post Office in distance, Manila City Hall on the right
Manila, Philippines late 1950s. Post Office in distance, Manila City Hall on the right
Tagalog girls selling lansones and cooked food, Manila, Philippines -- Oct. 1900
Tagalog girls selling lansones and cooked food, Manila, Philippines -- Oct. 1900 by John T Pilot, via Flickr
In 1933, a girl dressed all in blue came to Willoughby, Ohio on a Greyhound bus. She stayed the night in a boarding house before spending the next day greeting everyone with heartfelt warmth. At the end of the day, she saw the train to New York approach, dropped her cases, sprinted for the track, was hit by the train and died of her injuries. No one knew her name for 60 years, yet 3,000 people attended her funeral. And no one will ever know if it was an accident or suicide.
Full blooded native girl in reception attire, Manila, Philippines, 1899 or before
Full blooded native girl in reception attire, Manila, Philippines, 1899 or before