Ideas around the home

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High Pressure Hydro Jet Spray Gun with Flexi Extension
TABLES PALLET easy pallet table. use cement glue to fix cinder block and pallet together
The Cool Thing People Are Doing With Cinder Blocks in Their Backyards
Cinder Block Potting Station: Or how about a table, like this genius DIY potting station? We could also see this serving well as a grilling prep table. Click through to find more DIY garden ideas to use cinder blocks in your backyard.
My wife got tired of her old jewelry box making a tangled mess out of her necklaces and earrings, so we made this framed organizer.
My wife got tired of her old jewelry box making a tangled mess out of her necklaces and earrings, so we made this framed organizer. : somethingimade
Home - Beauty Riot
GREAT idea to put pretty knobs and pulls (Anthropologie has some FANTASTIC ones!) on a piece of old drift wood or barn wood and use it as a peng hook!
41 Idées & Astuces pour Ranger ses Bijoux
Rangement à bijoux vintage avec une caisse à vin
Cuadro Mixed Media
Este verano he realizado un cuadro de scrap (medidas 65 cm de alto por 24 cm de ancho) para enseñar en el nuevo grupo de scrap que comenzará en las clases de noviembre, junto con las clases de arcilla. Parece difícil, pero con unos sencillos trucos es fácil de hacerlo, y con práctica sale muy sencillo. Se ha empleado la técnica mixta, con una mezcla de tres estilos de dibujos "doodles", "paisley" y "cachemir". Que al final son entretenidos y relajantes, me encantan mucho estos tipos de dibuj...
11 Clever Ways To Declutter Kitchen Counters
Fresh produce can be stored in recycled planters to help declutter kitchen countertops