sewing kit

106 Pins
I have one of these a friend gave me 15 years ago. I use it all the time and it is just out of felt not near as pretty as this one.
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Luccello - L'UCCELLO VICTORIAN STYLE ETUI --Sewing Kit! I believe we can make this!!
Gentlework - Handmade and hand stitched treasures made from vintage finds.
class recap from french general
Make a Stitch book to practice embroidery! - I'm gonna mark this as done, though I've yet to finish the actual embroidery part yet.
Shirt cuff repurposed into a needle book. Todolwen: Creative Leftovers .. A Needle Book
needle case
needle case; would make a cute emergency sewing kit for travel, too ~ did my own travel / bag sewing kit - bought a coin purse & filled it with sewing essentials ~ would like to make this one though
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♡ 퀼트이즈 Q U I L T I S .. L O V E ♡ Heart shaped - what not to like. Could alter this to put a front cover on the heart so it opens like a book.
Looking for a quilting pattern for your next project? Look no further than 3-Pocket Scissors Case from ajpadilla! - via @Craftsy