Home learning

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Amazon.com: Books
A journal for parents and children ages roughly four to ten (although age range is flexible) to share the evolution of thoughts, feelings, and dreams over the years. Also great for kids who want to keep a time capsule of their own whimsical thoughts and serious ideas about the world. Inspired by the previous bestselling Potter Style title,
Summer Printable for Kids
I love this!!! Summer Learning Printables with activities for reading, writing, & math plus reward coupons.
12 Days of Christmas Advent Gift For Christians! (QR Codes) - Gluesticks Blog
Have the kids pose in the letters "DAD" for a fun father's day gift. The daddy of our house loved his! Great idea to display on his desk at work!
Send this free printable home with students to encourage them to use drive time to build literacy skills. Great for summer vacation!
Printable Job Cards for Kids (6 Easy to Follow Cards!) - Gluesticks Blog
Weekly Job Chart for Kids {The Happy Scraps}
Crap Buckets {for all the crap your kids leave out}
Crap Buckets {for all the crap your kids leave out} {www.ReMarkableHome.net}
ice balloons
Fill balloons with water and add food coloring, once frozen cut the balloons off & they look like giant marbles.
Do every morning before you leave the house. It will start you off with more energy & you'll lose weight!