Creative packaging

48 Pins
10 Great Packaging Design Projects | IndieFolio Blog
swara incence packaging design 4 different logos and illustrations on a knotted papyrus looking paper packaging
IAmTheLab - Your Design Concierge. Podcast and Design & Creativity Blog. Find the best of modern creativity: art, architecture, craft, style. - IAmTheLab
1001 Ideias
Produtos da linha Nº1 • Linha Masculina. Possui essência de Cedro, Perfume do Rei e Laranja Lima. Com extratos de Camomila e Própolis, manteiga de Ucuúba e óleo de Copaíba.
Creative Eco-Friendly Packaging Design for Inspiration
Colorful collection of soap from Canard Labs. Packaged in GreenKraft clamshells Sustainable Packaging #gogreen #organic #organicpackaging #Compostablepackagingdesign
10 Projects You Shouldn’t Miss In May
10 Projects You Shouldn't Miss In May on Packaging of the World - Creative Package Design Gallery
such a cool idea for food packaging-something that usually gets thrown away can be used creatively