
112 Pins
Fancy some Japan ease?
The ball-shaped marimo algae of Lake Akan. A marimo is a rare growth form of the species where the algae grow into large green balls with a velvety appearance. Colonies of such balls are only known to form in Iceland, Scotland, Japan and Estonia.
One must strike a balance between freedom and duty.
One must strike a balance between freedom and duty. | 50 Lessons That Moomins Can Teach You About Life
Driftwood Live Marimo Ball Zen Ecosphere Terrarium
Driftwood Live Marimo Ball Zen Ecosphere Terrarium. $37.95, via Etsy.
French By Design
Pintura à Cal - muito mais bonita e resistente que plastificar com Acrílico ou emborrachar com látex (ao contrário do que se pensa)!
Moomin sticker sheet
Moomin Finn Family Moomintroll. This was on TV when I was a child. The theme tune was memorable
Marimo Terrarium Kit Marimo Moss Ball Terrarium in a Small | Etsy
Marimo Terrarium Bottle Garden. Underwater by MIDNIGHTinSEATTLE, $22.00
I re-posted this because I really want to learn this language...for me and for my love... Learning Swedish this is how you pronounce the alphabet. All the vowels are long, so A is pronounced Aaah and B is pronounced Beh, C is Seh and so on.
Simplicity + harmony = wabi sabi
WABI SABI - simple, organic living from a Scandinavian Perspective.: Simplicity + harmony = wabi sabi
Inspiring Homes: Malmö Apartment by Bjurfors
Via Nordic Days | Eames-friendly Apartment
French By Design
Pintura à Cal - muito mais bonita e resistente que plastificar com Acrílico ou emborrachar com látex (ao contrário do que se pensa)!